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The Auroville Bio-region comprises of approximately 13 villages with about 40,000 people. It is situated in the Villupuram district of Tamil Nadu, a state with approximately 74% of its population falling in the productive age group of 15–35 years. (Defined as “youth” by The Tamil Nadu State Youth Policy).


These young adults are the catalysts of social change, driving the route to socioeconomic, political, environmental, and technological development in all spheres of life. 

However, the shift in the natural environment of the region has impacted the income generation from agriculture which has been the prominent source of income for the community. This is altering the cultural perspective, where families increasingly depend on young adults to generate income and support their families. 

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Challenge & Need

Conventional education system’s emphasis on rote learning and lack of application-based curricula has led to the youth lacking creative, critical thinking and other employable skills. 

The rapid technological advancement has created a skills gap posing a huge challenge for the youth to secure or create employment. With little to no access to career growth opportunities, the youth are often led astray by fringe groups causing both economic and social concerns.
This creates a need for platforms that can provide a basic understanding of new-age skills, personalized guidance, and access to improved tools and resources that empower the youth to become lifelong learners and pursue their aspirations. 

The Bridge Program

The Bridge Program is a 3-6 month program that will provide introductory training in predetermined areas such as Digital Marketing, Market Research and Analytics, Sustainability Assessment and Artificial Intelligence. The program is aimed at young adults who are in the process of completing their education and looking for employment opportunities. 


The goal is to facilitate a project based learning environment that provides them with an opportunity to explore new-age skills, and empowering tools to thrive in a rapidly changing world while upholding the principles of holistic development and unity.


Through Yuvabe’s Work-Serve-Evolve philosophy, the aim is to go beyond an upskilling program and incorporate the service-to-community mindset and focus on self-growth, thereby bolstering holistic personality development. 

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What do we want to do? 


Mentor-guided learning and career guidance with a focus on skills and knowledge directly applicable to the industry.


Hands-on projects and opportunities to work on live projects for practical learning


Development of soft skills through workshops on communication, emotional intelligence, teamwork, and interpersonal skills


Emphasise the importance of giving back to the community through service work. 

Your Support Matters!

We invite you to join us in this endeavor and make a difference in the life of a budding professional—support ONE young adult at a time by gifting $50 per month. 


Setting up a recurring monthly gift will ensure a steady and reliable source of funding for the entire duration of the internship, allowing us to focus on providing a transformative experience for the intern.

Let’s empower one youth at a time and gift them a better future!

To donate from India, kindly use this link: 

Please follow these steps on the donation page:


  • Select 'Others' under Projects to donate,

  • Mention Project name as 'Yuvabe Bridge Program'.

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